Welcome to the Future of STEM Education!

uedbet官网学校的STEM团队为STEM专业学习提供公平的机会和参与, as well as, 在课堂学习和职业道路之间建立联系. We offer a wide range of services and supports, including writing grants to help teachers get STEM supplies; designing events to create authentic, career-based hands-on skills; providing access to try out technology before you buy; and much more.

Equitable Access and Engagement

uedbet官网学区的STEM团队为所有学习者提供公平的高质量STEM教育机会. 我们努力确保每个人都有机会通过参与活动来发展自己的潜力.

Making Connections Between Classrooms and Career Pathways

我们理解在课堂学习和职业道路之间建立联系的重要性. 我们提供服务,帮助教师在两者之间建立桥梁,为学生在STEM领域寻找工作创造更无缝的过渡.

Authentic Hands-On Skills

我们的服务为学生提供真正的动手技能,他们可以在进入劳动力市场时使用. We offer a variety of activities such as robotics, esports, project-based learning, 3D printing, 无人机制造将使他们在就业市场上具有竞争优势.

STEM Services and Supports

We provide comprehensive STEM services and supports to help unlock the potential of STEM in your district. 我们经验丰富的uedbet官网团队将与您一起制定个性化计划,将STEM的最佳内容带入您的课堂. 我们的交钥匙课程是由uedbet官网开发的,用于课堂,旨在满足所有学习水平的需求.  我们了解每个地区都有独特的需求和目标, 因此,我们的服务是量身定制的,以满足这些个人需求.


STEM Professional Learning

At Kent ISD, 我们提供STEM领域最高质量的专业学习, 使uedbet官网能够探索在教学和学习中注入创造力的方法. Our professional learning will help you build knowledge, skills, and support in a professional network. 您将深入了解STEM教育的最新趋势,并制定将其纳入课堂环境的策略. 此外,您将有机会为您的努力赢得SCECHs. Explore our upcoming professional learning for STEM.

Keeping Up with STEM Education

作为STEM教育的倡导者,我们的团队理解知识的价值. We actively participate in various organizations 专门从事STEM教育,以便及时了解最新信息, research, and trends. By being active members in these organizations, 我们可以提供有价值的见解和资源,对贵地区有正面的影响. 

Some of the organizations we are a part of include:

我们的目标是为您提供必要的工具和知识,使您在STEM教育中产生有意义的影响. 我们承诺在每一步都支持您,并确保您的声音被听到和重视.

STEM Updates and News

November 28, 2023
Written by Keith Tramper, 12月是我一年中最喜欢的时间之一. It’s a time to...
November 10, 2023
作为一个孩子,我从来没有进入过地下城 & Dragons craze. In fact, like many...

Computer Science Resources: 本文档为K-12学生和教师提供了一系列计算机科学和技术资源, including professional associations, free video-based learning approaches, 还有一个互动的在线学习平台,提供各种各样的计算机科学和编程课程. 它旨在增强学生和教师的能力,使他们掌握关键的数字技能, including digital literacy, coding, online safety, and virtual robotics.

Interdisciplinary: This document features a range of materials, including literature-based approaches to STEM learning, ready-to-teach science lessons, hands-on challenges, comprehensive curriculum programs, and inquiry-based STEAM experiences for grades PreK-12.

3P Learning (Project, Place, and Problem-Based Learning)本文档提供了pre -12年级的3P学习(Project, Problem, Place)资源. It covers partnerships with businesses and education, STEM teacher empowerment, and high-quality STEM experiences in and out of school. 该资源旨在转变STEM文化并提供PBL课程示例, research, and workshops for educators.

“STEM不是一个单一的学科,它不应该取代其他学科. 学生们需要像以前一样学习科学和数学方面的概念和技能, 以及如何通过工程设计挑战来解决问题."

“STEM也不是一门课程,而是一种组织和提供教学的方式. It is not another “ingredient” in the lesson “soup,而是帮助学习者应用知识和技能的秘诀, collaborate with their peers, and understand the relevance of what they are learning. This does not de-emphasize the teaching of core ideas, 而是让学生知道如何应用他们所学的内容."

National Science Teaching Association (NSTA). STEM Education Teaching and Learning.

The NSTA is a highly recognized and respected association. The NSTA strongly supports STEM (science, technology, engineering, 和数学)教育,为学生提供跨学科的学习方法. 本文档包括许多值得信赖的作者的研究和引用.

"As a nation’s economy advanced, the requirements for skilled workers increased, especially the need for intellectual skills, including those often associated with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics."

The "Case for STEM Education" e-book has multiple objectives: 

  • 通过强调STEM教育面临的挑战,并从20世纪50年代和60年代的人造卫星时刻汲取教训,将STEM教育置于背景下, 它还将当代STEM与其他教育改革进行了对比 
  • 检查联邦ued西甲赫塔菲官网,州,地区和个别学校的适当角色
  • 提供各种想法和建议,以帮助您制定STEM的行动计划

W. Bybee, R. (2013). The Case for STEM Education: Challenges and Opportunities. NSTApress.

2021-2022 STEM Professional Learning Fast Facts

149 uedbet官网参加了8个虚拟和面对面的STEM专业学习机会
33 uedbet官网县的当地地区和PSA以及密歇根州其他33个县的uedbet官网参加了STEM专业学习.
742 121名uedbet官网在STEM专业学习中获得SCECHs
817 Hours of STEM Training


Du Bui

STEM Consultant

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